Left Wing III

Setting the none-compression ribs...

Busy scene...


The non-compression ribs were now glued in place now the drag blocks were done. I then set all the ply doublers where ever they were needed, such as hinge, idler etc. Details on doublers can be found in my Right Wing section of my blog.

When setting the ribs and doublers I used every clamp I had. I think I need a dozen more...you can never have enough clamps...

In the past I had often been in a scenario where I glued something with T-88 that took me say 20 minutes, then I couldn't do a thing until the next day. Then I came across this: Quick Cure

Although initially a seemingly trivial find. I discovered that the makers of T-88 also make a 5 minute epoxy called Quick Cure. It's not the same tensile strength as T-88 [2500 pounds v 7000+ pounds], but it is GREAT for tacking a part while the T-88 is curing. This means that instead of having to wait until the next night to carry on like with T-88, I can continue after 5 minutes - awesome.

Quick Cure...